Thursday, March 6, 2025

Anklecast 76 - The Elephant in the Room (Part 3)

And now for part three of "The Elephant in the Room." Louis found an alien egg hiding in plain sight in his room. Then the girl of his dreams suddenly started coming on to him. He ran from her like she was radioactive. How will she react the next day at school? What is going on? Why are these things happening? Find out more in this month's episode.

Afterward, Rish is back. Big and Rish now have something in common. They both spent some time in Venice, and they both loved it. They talk all about it in the post show. Hope you enjoy it.

As always, thanks to Kevin McCleod at for the music.

Find it on the podcast feed now. To download the episode, right click HERE.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Anklecast 75 - The Elephant In The Room (Part 2)

It's part two of "The Elephant in the Room" this month. The story deepens and becomes even more confusing and sinister. Louis thought he had things under control after he and his friend, Collin, figured out the egg a little, but now there's a further wrinkle. Listen and find out where it goes.

Not much in the way of post-show chat in this one. I am horribly sick right now, and it was all I could do to even get this show put together for y'all, but I'll never let you down, so at least there's that. Hope you enjoy it.

As always, thanks to Kevin McCleod at for the music.

To download the episode, right click HERE.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Anklecast 74 - The Elephant in the Room (Part 1)

I present to you "The Elephant in the Room." Louis trips and falls while trying to get ready for school in the morning. Instead of just hitting the carpet, he lands on something that until that moment was invisible to his eyes. It's an alien egg. Where did it come from? What is it doing here? Why can't anyone else see it? The answers will change his life forever.

As always, thanks to Kevin McCleod at for the music.

To download the episode, right click HERE.


Friday, December 6, 2024

Anklecast 73 - That Damned Cat

Even though I could barely talk, I didn't want to leave y'all without an episode this month, so I'm still presenting a story, but the pre and post-show banter has been basically done away with. Hopefully you still enjoy the story.

Darren hates the cat his family has as its pet. He decides to dispose of the beast. However, the cat might not be an easy mark like he expected, because the cat came back the very next day...

As always, thanks to Kevin McCleod at for the music.

To download the episode, right click HERE.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Patreon Address 2

We're well into November, so it's past time for another Patreon address. After the fiasco of what happened with, I've decided to put this one onto the normal feed again so that people who don't subscribe to Patreon will know that it exists, but this will be the last time. Next time around, this will be a total Patreon exclusive. Check it out!

I talk about my most recent project which I just finished recently, and update you on my progress on my goals. And you can cheer me on in my quest to become someone who makes an actual living writing books.

As always, thanks to Kevin McCleod at for the music.

You can find the episode on the podcast feed, or right-click HERE to download the episode. You can just as easily just push the play button on the embedded player below, and listen right here and now. Enjoy!

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Anklecast 72 - The Frayed Ends Of Sanity

This time, we have the story of Greg, who is going through a nasty divorce, which is the worst thing happening in his life...until the day when his phone starts ringing and whatever is on the other end of the line has the power to take over his mind and drive him toward thoughts he's never entertained before. How far will the mystery caller take it? You can only find out by listening to the end of "The Frayed Ends of Sanity."

Afterward, Rish and I talk about Metallica song titles, Broken Mirror events, and doing things differently for a change. 

As always, thanks to Kevin McCleod at for the music.

To download the episode, right click HERE.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Patreon Address 1

It's my first time doing this. Rish Outfield and Marshal Latham have been doing them for a while and I thought I ought to take their example and make a Patreon Address as well. In this, I talk about my goals for the year, month, and even day that I have set for myself, and how well I have achieved them. If that kind of stuff interests you, then check it out and see how it's going.

I'll put this first one onto the normal feed in a week so that people who don't subscribe to Patreon will know that it exists, but next time around, this will be a total Patreon exclusive.

As always, thanks to Kevin McCleod at for the music.

So, you can find the episode on The Anklecast feed or you can download it by right-cllcking HERE. You could also just click the play button below. That'll work too.