Sunday, December 3, 2017

Anklecast 36: So What's It Like?

Here's the podcast about Houston, and what it's like living here.

I tried really hard to come up with something other than, "Houston, we have a problem," because that phrase, and countless inane variations of it, are pretty much the only thing anyone uses in conjunction with the word Houston. For example, when the Astros won the world series, what was the headline in the newspaper? "Houston, we have a championship." It gets tedious. So, I went a totally different direction and came out with a much worse title for the episode. Sorry.

I ramble way too much, and get sidetracked, and even talk about my cat, which is crazy. Watching this show, I realize that I need to get these Anklecasts out more often, so I can make them shorter, more to the point, and tell better stories in them. Hopefully, I can get that going, but you know me, so probably not.

To download the audio of the podcast, right click here, and save the file to your hard drive.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Anklecast 35: Hijinks With Harvey

It turns out he's not dead. He is a lazy, worthless douche though. Simply the worst.

Now that we've gotten that off our chest, here he finally is with a new episode of the Anklecast. Big Anklevich talks about his experience weathering the storm named Harvey. Wait, he's a Harvey survivor? Now I have guilt for calling him a douche. I shouldn't have done that.

Oh, wait, he didn't have any real problems from Harvey? Oh good, forget it, he's a douche.

To download the audio of the podcast, right click here, and save the file to your hard drive.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Anklecast 34: True Colors

Big is back with another episode of The Anklecast. No one knows why, but he decided to make it a video episode again, despite nearly no one watching the last one. He's a masochist, I guess. Anyhow, he's here to share another story from his back catalog. Probably one that should have been left in the trunk, but Rish Outfield shared his version over on The Rish Outcast, so he felt he ought to release his own version as well. Enjoy the podcast and the story.

To download the audio of the podcast, right click here, and save the file to your hard drive.

Related links:
Rish Outcast with the other version of this prompt Rainbow Picture Attribution
Broken Mirror Picture Attribution
Music from end sequence provided by Some sounds from the new intro are courtesy of

Monday, March 6, 2017

Anklecast 33: The First Video Anklecast

Okay, February is over, and Big Anklevich is back to report on his performance. Did he or didn't he achieve his goal? Did he or didn't he manage to write 500 words a day for an entire (short) month? And if so, how did that experience change him? What will the future be like?

Also, this Anklecast is a video podcast as well as an audio one. You can click on this link to see it on YouTube. You can actually find all of the Anklecast episodes, Dunesteef episodes, That Gets My Goat episodes on YouTube if you prefer to consume them in that way. This link will get you to the page.

If you prefer the old fashioned non-video way, here it is. You're probably not missing much. Big Anklevich is not as handsome as he used to be when he was younger.

Right click HERE to download.

Music was "Crossing The Divide." Courtesy of Kevin MacLeod of

Monday, January 30, 2017

Anklecast 32: Bumps In The Night Responses

Back in September (only two episodes ago), I published one of my stories that probably never should have seen the light of day, and asked the listeners to send me their ideas about what was missing, what was needed to make the story worthwhile. I got several responses and was excited about the listeners' participation, and now we have the show in which we get to see what everybody had to say. What was it that was missing? Let's find out.

Right click HERE to download.

Music was "Crossing The Divide." Courtesy of Kevin MacLeod of

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Anklecast 31

This is not the follow up to the last episode just yet. Sorry folks. I don't know if anyone's all excited about that or not, but I'm not there yet. However, just after putting out the call for listener input on the last episode I happened to get together with Rish Outfield on an evening when we weren't ready to record anything else, so we decided to record an Anklecast. Then, sadly, I let it sit for a long Stephen King does with his short stories, right? had to mellow a little. Also, the crazy time of year descended upon us, so there was that too.

Anyway, Rish and I got together, and we talked guessed it! Writing! It must have been an effective talk, because since recording it, I've written my first short story in about a year. So, huzzah! If you're an aspiring writer, you'll probably enjoy this. If you're might enjoy it? Either way, thanks for listening.

Right click HERE to download.

Music was "Crossing The Divide." Courtesy of Kevin MacLeod of