Monday, January 30, 2017

Anklecast 32: Bumps In The Night Responses

Back in September (only two episodes ago), I published one of my stories that probably never should have seen the light of day, and asked the listeners to send me their ideas about what was missing, what was needed to make the story worthwhile. I got several responses and was excited about the listeners' participation, and now we have the show in which we get to see what everybody had to say. What was it that was missing? Let's find out.

Right click HERE to download.

Music was "Crossing The Divide." Courtesy of Kevin MacLeod of

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Anklecast 31

This is not the follow up to the last episode just yet. Sorry folks. I don't know if anyone's all excited about that or not, but I'm not there yet. However, just after putting out the call for listener input on the last episode I happened to get together with Rish Outfield on an evening when we weren't ready to record anything else, so we decided to record an Anklecast. Then, sadly, I let it sit for a long Stephen King does with his short stories, right? had to mellow a little. Also, the crazy time of year descended upon us, so there was that too.

Anyway, Rish and I got together, and we talked guessed it! Writing! It must have been an effective talk, because since recording it, I've written my first short story in about a year. So, huzzah! If you're an aspiring writer, you'll probably enjoy this. If you're might enjoy it? Either way, thanks for listening.

Right click HERE to download.

Music was "Crossing The Divide." Courtesy of Kevin MacLeod of