Sunday, December 24, 2023

Anklecast 62 - Klaus Kringle

I said I'd done my piece for Christmas this year, but I was wrong, and I'm here to share one more Christmas story before we ring in the new year. Scott is a recently single dad who watches over his young son, Ryder. He finds his life to be miserable and tedious, until Klaus Kringle comes along and shows him that it could be so much worse.

Afterward, I talk a little about my new goal of writing over 300,000 words in 2023-2024, and give a little report about how the first two months have gone. Merry Christmas and happy New Year, and thank you so much for supporting me in 2023. 2024 is going to be even better!

The story is up on the Anklecast feed on whatever your favorite podcatcher may be, or you can just right click HERE to download the file.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Anklecast 61 - Postdated

Just in time for the last day of November and the kickoff of the holiday season, I have a new Christmas story to share with you. A woman receives a letter years after it was supposed to arrive, but it seems meant to be, as if someone were granting her heartfelt wish...or will it be her worst nightmare that comes to pass?

Afterward, Rish and Big discuss some of the joys of being a writer, like the getting to name as many children as you want, instead of only getting to name the children you bear like a regular person. They also talk writing to prompts, and whether it affects the quality of a story.

You can find the episode on the Anklecast podcast feed, or you can right click HERE to download the episode

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Anklecast 60 - Do Over (Part Five)

It's finally here, the concluding chapter of my epically long novella, "Do Over!" You can finally find out just how it all turns out. Can Joel and Jillian turn things around and get their lives back together? Will Allison ruin everything? Can they defeat time itself?

Afterward, Rish Outfield and I talk all about the story. Rish and Announcer Man give their reaction to it, and they talk about it for the rest of the episode. Check it out and enjoy.

You can find the episode on the Anklecast podcast feed on your favorite podcatcher, or you can download it by right-clicking HERE.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Anklecast 59 - Do Over (Part Four)

So, we have part four of my novella, "Do Over". Things are getting crazy. We find out who is on the other side of that door, and no, it's not Lazybones (sorry for the misdirecting red herring of a song). We find out just how bad this confusion from the two timelines can be. So, buckle up, strap in, and hit play for the penultimate episode of "Do Over."

It's up on the feed now or you can right click HERE to download the episode or you can just click the play button below to listen to the episode now.

Monday, September 25, 2023

Anklecast 58 - Do Over (Part Three)

It's episode three of my novella, Do Over. Joel and Jillian take a big step together as Joel changes his past to a future that he wants to live in. At the end of last episode, Joel caught Jillian snorting heroin, and now he has to deal with that problem...but it's only the beginning of the problems he will have to deal with. Jump in and enjoy the next installment of Do Over on The Anklecast.

Afterward, Rish and I review the comments that we received from listeners who said what they would like to have changed in their past if they got the opportunity to zig rather than zag. Then we add a few more examples of our own. Right click HERE to download. Enjoy!

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Anklecast 57 - Do Over (Part Two)

Joel is back for more of his adventures in the past. He establishes himself and gets used to how things are now, but not everything is hunky dory. There were problems in the past, and they begin to rear their ugly heads at him. What will he do? How will he change things for the better? Keep listening to "Do Over" to find out!

This time, I do the episode solo. I talk about the struggles of writing and pose the question of whether it's worth it considering the trajectory of the world, particularly the new addition of AI to the mix. I really want to know what you think, so comment on it, my friends.

Right click here to download the episode.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Anklecast 56 - Do Over (Part One)

This is the first part of my novella called "Do Over," in which a man who has reached the end of his rope gets the chance to go back and try again, and possibly avoid the mistakes that he's made in the past...or does he?

Afterward, Rish and I talk about some of the things we would like to go back and change if we had the chance to do so, and we open it up to the audience. Please comment and tell us about what you'd like to change in your past if only a strange ball of swirling light opened up for you and spat you out fifteen years in the past.

Right click to download the episode HERE.

Friday, June 30, 2023

Anklecast 55 - The Ghost In The Monitor (Part Two)

It's arrived, the second half of my story from the very first Broken Mirror Story Event Rish and I ever did. Listen to find out what happened in Joe's search to find out why a ghost is haunting his home, particularly his baby monitor. Why is that ghost coming for his son?

Afterward, Rish and I talk about the story behind the story, why and how it was written, and just how much of it was autobiographical. (spoiler alert: It's just the boring parts that are real).

Check it out on your podcast feed or to download the episode, right click HERE.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Anklecast 54 - The Ghost In The Monitor (Part One)

This month, I present my story from the first time Rish Outfield and I did a Broken Mirror Story Event. It's from so long ago that it was, by my count, my fourth completed story ever. It's got a good premise, though. Check it out: Joe, a young father of a newborn, is watching his child when he hears a voice threatening voice from the baby monitor. He rushes into the baby's room to find one is there.

It's part one, this month. It's a really long story, so part two will be coming along very soon, but it was too much to fit into one episode. The story is presented in it's original state, and I think it's pretty decent for what it is.

All I can say is that Rish made me do it, folks. Hopefully, you enjoy it.

 Right click HERE to download.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Anklecast 53: Sepia Tone Prison (Part Two)

Okay, folks, I'm back again with part two of "Sepia Tone Prison." It's time to find out whether William will finally get to move on to the next plane of existence, and what happens with Beth and Ryan. Jump right in, folks, the water's fine.

Afterward, Rish and I talk about why I wrote the story the way I did and whether I would have written it differently today. Spoiler alert: the answer isn't very satisfying.

Thanks to Bria Burton, Marshal Latham, and Rish Outfield for providing voices on the production.

Right click HERE to download.

Monday, April 3, 2023

Anklecast 52: Sepia Tone Prison (Part One)

 William is a ghost. In the afterlife, spirits are required to stick around and help their loved ones until all those that remember them are gone. Only then can they head into the light. The last relative that knew William just died, but William is still hanging around. No portal to the next realm has appeared, and William has no idea why...

I present to you the first half of this large story, then afterward I hang out with Rish and talk about the story (though not too much, because we can't give any spoilers for Part 2). Right click here to download the episode.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Anklecast 51: Prime Shipping

When the mailman drops off a package on Ethan's doorstep, he is confused. It's addressed to him, but he never ordered anything...he's about to return it when he discovers that it contains exactly what he needed before he even knew that he needed it.

Afterwards, Rish and I talk about the option for sequels. If everybody loved something that one of us wrote, could we make the story go on somehow?

Right click HERE to download the episode,

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Anklecast 50: Long Term Memory

Alright, folks, let the crossover event begin! Here's part one, in which I present my story, "Long Term Memory." After spending his life inventing a time machine, a 70-year-old-man travels back to when he was merely 25. He's going to make sure that this time he ends up with the woman he's spent the last 45 years dreaming of. He's thought of everything...or has he?

Afterward, the crossover continues. I am joined by both Marshal Latham and Rish Outfield to discuss the story, the crossover, and everything in between. Hope you enjoy it!

Right click HERE to download the episode, or just listen by pressing the play button below.