Monday, May 6, 2024

Anklecast 66 - Euthanasia

Trent and Brent were two children with rhyming names but vastly different life paths to travel. Brent was brilliant, a boy genius, destined to do something amazing, Trent was average and prone to mischief that would eventually lead him down a dark path of suffering and regret. Their paths would cross again, however, and when they did, Brent would be the one who didn't get it and Trent would be the one with the plan...

Afterward, Rish and I talk about whether certain things should be allowed in stories for entertainment or not. We also talk about our adventures in publishing, and let you know what's available now. Enjoy this if you can, and mind the trigger warning.

As always, thanks to Kevin McCleod at for the music. And special thanks to Rish Outfield, Jonathan Wilson. Tena Kolokowski, and Wendy Wilson for contributing their voices to the mix!

To download the episode, right click HERE.