Saturday, May 9, 2015

Anklecast 26: One Million Miles

I shipped my pants pretty much the whole month of April through. I'm going to turn it around, however. It won't be my condition forever. Novel writing time is coming up, and my story is starting to burn away in my mind. I'm getting excited about it. But I've got to make some changes to make this novel thing succeed.

I talk a bit about that, and I have a special surprise. Normally I don't do stories on here, but I wanted to show that I can turn things around, so I did one this month. It's a little bit of flash fiction called "One Million Miles." If you like it, let me know, and I'll try to do one more often.

Oh, and something I've never had before but will in today's show is a listener question! A listener sent me an MP3 file of their question, and I answer it on the show. That'll be fun too. All around good times today. Hope you enjoy it.

Music for the story was "Despair and Triumph." And my regular music montage is "Crossing The Divide." Both are courtesy of Kevin MacLeod of

Right click HERE to download the episode, select Save Link As, and save the file to your hard drive.

1 comment:

  1. I believe when I stated more Phineas and Ferb I was referring to a reference in an episode of the Dunesteef. I do, however, enjoy your motivational intro/outro, and really like the Burning Man (?) Oh the Places You'll Go portion best of all. I tear up if I watch the video even. I do like the stories you put on here an will certainly put in my vote for more.

    For a question: As a parent, how do you juggle the creative endeavors you do with the demands of parenthood, along with the rest of life's demands. The commute you have certainly is some time in which you can accomplish things, but when you're at home do you often find yourself torn or making excuses to do one over the other? Have you found it easier since you do have older kids (mostly) and they are able to take care of themselves (mostly) or even help out (hopefully)?
